How to Notify DVLA you’ve Scrapped your Car
There’s a time when every vehicle reaches the end of its life. Once you feel your vehicle has reached a point that it is no longer useful to you and you decide to scrap it, it has to be taken to an authorised treatment facility (ATF), otherwise known as a scrapyard or breaker’s yard. Once you have gone through with scrapping your vehicle you will need to inform the DVLA that you have done so.
The Logbook (V5C)
If you are in possession of the logbook (V5C) for the vehicle, you will need to get the scrap yard where you scrapped your vehicle to fill out the yellow ‘sell, transfer or part-exchange your vehicle to the motor trade’ section, this part is what you must retain and either complete online or post to the DVLA.
* Please note, it is your responsibility to inform the DVLA you have scrapped your vehicle to and ATF *
If you do not have the logbook, please see the section below about informing the DVLA by post.
If you want to know if you can scrap a car without the logbook, please read our post which covers more details. Can I scrap my car without a V5C logbook?
There are two ways to go about informing the DVLA, either by entering some details and filling out a form online, or by post.
Informing the DVLA via online
Informing the DVLA is as simple as filling out a form, which can be found here. In order to fill out the form you will need the following:
- The 11 digit reference number from the logbook (V5C)
- The yellow ‘sell, transfer or part-exchange your vehicle to the motor trade’ section of the logbook which should have been filled in by the authorised treatment facility.
Simply go through the steps of the form using the details above and submit once completed.
Informing the DVLA by post
You are able to inform the DVLA by post whether you have the logbook or not.
If you have the logbook, the yellow ‘sell, transfer or part-exchange your vehicle to the motor trade’ section will need to have been filled out by the scrapyard and retained, then send the perforated section to DVLA at the address below.
SA99 1BD
If you do not have the logbook, it is your responsibility to write a letter to the DVLA at the address above informing them of the vehicle being scrapped. The details you will need to include are:
- your name and address
- the vehicle registration number
- the make and model
- the exact date of sale
- the name and address of the scrapyard or insurance company
- DVLA will not accept phone calls, it is your responsibility to write to them